Notebook / Appointments

Appointments - Prix de l'Amicale 2018
30 November 2018 Patrick-Paul DUVAL was elected Prix de l'Amicale 2018 following his involvement with the Association as Head of the International Commission. The award was presented to him in...
Patrick-Paul DUVAL
GOP - 1984
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Appointments - Prix de l'Amicale 2016
24 November 2017 Pierre BECARD was elected Prix de l'Amicale 2016 for his involvement in one of the Alumni Clubs in Switzerland, in Geneva. The award was presented to him in person at the 2017...
ECO - 1985
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Appointments - Hugo Bony appointed Managing Director of Agrauxine
31 July 2017 Ten years after studying at IFP School, Hugo Bony ( Economics and Business Management program, 2006), has been appointed Managing Director of Agrauxine, Lesaffre's business unit.
EGE - 2006
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Appointments - Prix de l'Amicale 2016
25 November 2016 Aglaé AUCLAIRE was elected Prix de l'Amicale 2016 for her involvement in one of the Alumni Clubs in Switzerland, in Bulle. The award was presented to her inperson atthe 2016 annual...
PRO - 2011
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Appointments - Prix de l'Amicale 2015
25 November 2016 Alain ROBERT was elected Prix de l'Amicale 2015 for his involvement in the Association. The award was presented to him in person at the 2016 annual dinner.
APP - 1985
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