News / Agenda

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    1. Thursday 20 March at 19:00
      Drink&Network : IFP School Alumni Association x BDE IFP School

      Dear Alumni, The next end-of-year Drink&Network will take place in Paris on December 12, 2024, in partnership with the IFP School BDE, to give future graduates the chance to chat...

    2. Tuesday 25 March at 19:00
      Feedback’ dinner with Yani Meziane (PGS 2020) - Topic: Data Science & Machine...

      Date and time: 25 March at 7.30pm Venue: Restaurant ‘La boite aux lettres’ 108 rue Lepic 75018 Yani MEZIANE (PGS GOL 2020) is also a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de...

    3. Saturday 05 April at 11:00
      First event of the year organized by the Association Amicale des Alumni IFP...

      Come and attend a conference by Christophe Galfard at the MK2 Bibliothèque cinema "Journey into a black hole" Saturday, April 05, 2025 at 11 a.m. Christophe Galfard graduated from...

    4. Thursday 10 April at 16:00
      AGO 2023 - IFP School Alumni
      AGO 2025 of the Amicale

      Registration required to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Amicale AAID ENSPM (IFP School) in person or via distance learning. Agenda of the Annual General Meeting : - Moral...