
Greetings 2025: a word from the President, Cécile Pabian Goyheneche
Dear Alumni, Dear Students,
The Alumni IFP School Association wishes you all the best for 2025; and may it be a year of great professional and personal achievements !
We invite you to participate in the life of the IFP School Alumni network through many activities, in France and abroad. Our ambition is to maintain a united community around unifying projects and numerous Alumni clubs around the world.
As Alumni member, you will :
Stay in contact with IFP School and the Alumni Network thanks to the Alumni database and published Annual paper Directory
Be supported throughout your professional life : online jobs offers, Mentoring program, personalized support
Participate in solidarity, festive and cultural events: "drink & network" , cultural visits at reduced rates, conferences, annual diner, permanence’s at IFP School
Update your profile into the Alumni directory :
Be active members of the Association to contribute to the attractiveness of IFP School and activate solidarity within our network. Contact us by email :
We thank you and invite you to spread the information about our Association!
Best regards,
President AAID