
Greetings 2025: a word from the President, Cécile Pabian Goyheneche

07 January 2025 News of the Association
Viewed 42 times

Dear Alumni, Dear Students,

The Alumni IFP School Association wishes you all the best for 2025; and may it be a year of great professional and personal achievements !

We invite you to participate in the life of the IFP School Alumni network through many activities, in France and abroad. Our ambition is to maintain a united community around unifying projects and numerous Alumni clubs around the world.

As Alumni member, you will :

Stay in contact with IFP School and the Alumni Network thanks to the Alumni database and published Annual paper Directory

Be supported throughout your professional life : online jobs offers, Mentoring program, personalized support

Participate in solidarity, festive and cultural events: "drink & network" , cultural visits at reduced rates, conferences, annual diner, permanence’s at IFP School

Update your profile into the Alumni directory :

Be active members of the Association to contribute to the attractiveness of IFP School and activate solidarity within our network. Contact us by email

We thank you and invite you to spread the information about our Association!

Best regards,


President AAID

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