
Debate-Conference - Can the code pass its licence? Challenges and issues of the Software Defined Vehicle

Débat-Conférence - Le code peut-il passer son permis ? Défis et enjeux du Software Defined Vehicle - D. De Bono, J-P. Dumoulin, E. Esperance
Monday May 23 Septembre, 2024 at 7:30pm
Conference Series
‘The car of tomorrow: the convergence of so many expectations’.
Debate-Conference n°3
‘Can the Code pass its licence?
Challenges and stakes of the Software Defined Vehicle’.
Derek DE BONO, Software Defined Vehicle Product Vice President, Valeo
Jean-Pierre DUMOULIN, Global Vice President IOT, OTA, Data Management & Connectivity Projects, Stellantis
Eric ESPERANCE, Automotive Industry Partner, Roland Berger
Monday 23 September 2024 - 7.30-9pm - Maison des X
X-Auto returns this autumn to discuss a key theme for the automotive sector: the Software Defined Vehicle.
Today, software has become a major component of tomorrow's mobility. Millions of lines of code will be needed to design a high-performance, automated and intuitive electric vehicle. Vehicle architecture needs to be rethought to accommodate the software that is reinventing the customer experience, and this is known as Software-Defined-Vehicle. Until recently, vehicle architecture was mainly hardware-based, but it is now becoming increasingly software-centric, turning the car into a computer on wheels. This trend towards integrating software into vehicles will only increase in the years to come, and will have a profound impact on tomorrow's mobility.
This paradigm shift is reshuffling the deck between manufacturers, equipment suppliers and new players.
Derek DE BONO (Valeo), Jean-Pierre DUMOULIN (Stellantis), and Eric ESPERANCE (Roland Berger), will discuss the growing importance of software in the automotive industry and its impact, as well as how it is transforming mobility and the opportunities it creates.
X-Auto, with the support of the Auto and Mobility Clubs of the Grandes Ecoles, invites you to attend this conference-debate in person, on Monday 23 September 2024 from 7.30pm to 9pm, at the Maison des Polytechniciens, 12 rue de Poitiers, Paris 7e. The event will be followed by a cocktail reception, where discussions can continue in a more informal setting.
The session will also be available live-streamed on Zoom.
Booking is essential (before 3pm on the day of the event).
The event is open to all, members and non-members of the network.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants a few hours before the session.