
Call for testimonials March 8 for International Women's Rights Day

04 March 2025 News of the Association
Viewed 59 times

Mail - Call for testimonials

--------------- English version below ---------------

Hello everyone,
To mark International Women's Rights Day, we're putting out a call for testimonials on gender inequality in the workplace. We'd like to share these stories with future graduates, to raise their awareness of current issues and the challenges faced by women in their professional careers.
The aim is twofold: to raise awareness of sexism in the workplace, and to share your experiences and advice.

To solve a problem, you first have to realize that it exists. By sharing your experiences, you'll be helping to raise awareness and improve working conditions for everyone.
We therefore invite women and men to share their experiences on topics such as gender inequality, obstacles encountered, solutions found, and actions taken to achieve greater equality. All experiences are welcome, whether they are positive or deal with difficulties encountered.
Please complete this form before March 15: Call for testimonials
We look forward to hearing your stories and sharing them in the spirit of equality and progress.

Yours sincerely
Bouchra, Inéam, Rianasoa and Yasmine, IFP School students - Promo 2025

Hello everyone,

On the occasion of International Women's Day, we are organizing a call for testimonials on gender inequality in the workplace. We'd like to share these stories with future graduates, to raise awareness of the current issues and challenges faced by women in their professional careers.
The aim is twofold: to raise awareness of sexism in the workplace, and to share your experiences and advice.
To solve a problem, you must first be aware that it exists. By sharing your experiences, you'll be helping to raise awareness and improve working conditions for everyone.

We therefore invite women and men to share their experiences on topics such as gender inequality, obstacles encountered, solutions found, and actions taken to achieve greater equality. All experiences are welcome, whether they are positive or deal with difficulties encountered.

We invite you to complete this form before March 15th: Call for testimonials
We look forward to hearing your stories and sharing them in the spirit of equality and progress.

Yours sincerely
Bouchra, Inéam,

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