
Debate moderated by Laurent Pollet on the disarray of managers at work

02 April 2024 News of the Association
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Laurent Pollet, Co-founder of PRIMAVERAS and Professor at Centrale Supelec, will lead a debate on the theme of " Is executive disarray inevitable? with Fabien Trécourt, a journalist specializing in the popularization of human and social sciences.

Tuesday, April 2, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

"Those with the most education, those with the strongest CVs, are now claiming that their work has lost its meaning! How can we get out of this paradox?

Is studying no longer the promise of a fulfilling professional future? Could the status of executive even be losing its appeal? In this unique webinar, Laurent Polet, author of the essay "Le pouvoir, le bonheur, le climat : le désarroi des cadres" (Ed. Détour), takes a hard look at the visible and insidious changes taking place in the working conditions of executives. Now, even the most highly qualified are disoriented in their once clear-cut career paths, and are claiming that their work has lost its meaning! The implications for our society as a whole go beyond the fate of these 5 million employees, who are often mistakenly regarded as privileged. What if it were possible to reverse these alarming facts?"

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